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Be stronger. Be XTreme.

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About HITXtreme


HITXtreme s a 30-minute, high-intensity workout that aims to burn as many calories as possible in this short amount of time - during each session, you will burn roughly 400 kcal. The class will make use of body-weight exercises and explosive movements which target agility, mobility, strength, and cardio.


Inspired by OneChampionship MMA conditioning training, HITXtreme is designed to condition your body, raise your metabolic rate, burn fat and improve flexibility and mobility. HITXtreme will make you strong, fit, and improve your overall fitness level, whether you are an athlete or just love to exercise.


Each class includes a number of different movements covering the three planes of motion: Sagittal, Frontal and Transverse. Practicing a combination of these movements is often overlooked in traditional strength training, although they are essential to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. HITXtreme combines a variety of exercises to strengthen and improve your body in the most efficient and effective way.


This workout is designed for those with a medium-to-high level of current fitness, looking to challenge themselves. The locations of the class will be changing each week, and each location comes with a different set of exercises tailored to the surrounding conditions. HITXtreme will not be easy, it is not recommended for beginners or the faint-hearted. Be prepared.

HITXtreme Pricing

Here is all you need to know.

These are the class details - have a look at the packages as well!


Every Saturday from 8:30 to 9:00am and at 8:15am on Mondays


At changing locations around Phnom Penh. Have a look at the scheduled locations here.

You can also find HITXtreme in Siem Reap - contact us for more information!

How much?

$8 per drop-in session 


$30 package for 4 sessions (valid for 8 weeks)


$70 package for 10 sessions (valid for 16 weeks)

Registration and Cancellation

Register at least one hour before the session. First come, first serve!

If you cannot make it to the class, let us know before 18:00 the previous day, so we can make your spot available.

Not sure if you want to go?

Have a look at this. 

HITXtreme Video
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